PANCE prep plan

I learned a lot in didactic year and also in the clinical rotations in the past 2.5 years. For the 8 of end of rotation exams, I have done well on those specialized ones, like OB/GYN and surgery. However, when it comes to cumulative kind of exams, like family medicine and internal medicine, I think I will need to work on them. For the PACKRAT and summative exams that I took so far, I did score higher on the second PACKRAT than the didactic PACKRAT, but I do not think it is good enough to pass the PANCE. I am making my study plan based on the blueprint topics and the feedback of second PACKRAT as well.

I think my biggest issue is time management. I tend to read the questions slowly or re-read the questions multiple times when I take the exam. Additionally, I do not like to skip questions. I know that in the big exam, if we have very long questions or questions that we are not sure, we should skip them and come back later. But, the feeling of leaving blank will drive me crazy. During the study and practice questions, I want to have better time concept of exam, and I hope I will be able to train myself to skip those long questions and difficult ones.

I prefer to study base on the body system, which I think will be easy for me to make the plan and practice questions as well. For each week, my plan is to study for 6 days and take one day off. Each day, I will read Pance Prep Pearls topics; do questions from rosh review, exam master, quizlet, kaplan- 30 questions that are related to the topics I reviewed on that day and another 30 questions from all topics; also review explanations for each question. When approach to the exam date, I will train myself to do 300 questions at a time to get use to the feeling of taking a long exam. I made 9 weeks study plan from December. Adjust schedule as needed.

  • Week 1, dermatology 5%
  • Week 2, hematology 5% + infectious disease 6%
  • Week 3, musculoskeletal 8% + psychiatry 6%
  • Week 4, cardiovascular 13%
  • Week 5, pulmonary 10%
  • Week 6, gastrointestinal 9%
  • Week 7, reproductive 7% + genitourinary 5% + renal 5%
  • Week 8, endocrine 7% + neurology 7% + EENT 7% + professional practice 5%
  • Week 9, review questions, reinforce



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